Difference between revisions of "Main Page"

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* [[Non-TN Androids and Machine AI]]
==[[Non-TN Androids and Machine AI]]==
* [[Spindizzy Extras and Supporting Cast]]
==[[Spindizzy Extras and Supporting Cast]]==
* [[Wonderland]] Characters from the Wonderland RP Arc
==[[Wonderland]] Characters from the Wonderland RP Arc==

Revision as of 22:43, 26 January 2016

Non-TN Androids and Machine AI

Spindizzy Extras and Supporting Cast

Wonderland Characters from the Wonderland RP Arc



Organics: Shadowstalker | Genesis | Aarlynn | Sly | Swift | Magnus | Mia
Mechanoid: P22 Nanocolony
Asreal: Sabre | Ember | Sam | Nem | Pyre | Senescence | Lunith | Blitzkreig | Cirrus | Prism | Aurora | Rainbringer | Ghost | Fury | Ash | Esper | Serenity
Voidwalkers: Malachi


TNV Weapons



Chodonex: Echo | Ritz | Flare

SED / SED-Associated Chaaracters

SED Static | Verada | Lyra | Ace | Rafo | Fibi
Affiliates: Maxwell | Ember | Sadie | Reverie
Neutral: Lasamar | Selia | Coeurl | Ritz | Shadowstalker | Gwendolyn | Soot
Enemies: Wendigo | Gimble | Vanessa | Syke | Cassie | Janie


  • Landon - A young pilot and engineer flying with the Galactic Liberation Force
  • Maxwell - A descendant of lab mice that now flies with Negumi.
  • Kade Alpha - A mouse from the same conflict as Landon's parents. Known for sabotage work.
  • Leroy Alpha - A jerboa / otter mix and Kade's son.
  • Lucky - An esper that flies with Landon
  • Ember - A tak'nhetian Asreal raised on Spindizzy

St. Marin

Dungeons and Dragon's Based Characters

Avani Based Characters

The world In Azure's Shadow (IAS)

Celestial Objects

Celestial Agents

Notable Characters and Factions