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Physical Properties

Fur Color: Violet with charcoal black chest, belly, face, forearms, and hands.
Tail Dot: Green
Eyes: Gold
Height: 5'11"

Quirks and Orbitals

Symmetry Number: 7
Internal Colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
Quirks: Dream x Dream x Hope
Transition energy order: Rush < Revert<<< Open
Occupancy: High


If you could slow her down, Flare is a very loving if overly worried woman. Like Ritz, she values mortal life, but her means of helping is far more intrusive. A master of rush, her name stems from the sudden burst of light that comes when she accelerates beyond the speed of light not just in a medium but also in vacuum. Flare intervenes by entering battlefields and destroying all the weapons and armor present. Should it come to claws and teeth, she keeps separating people until the only thing they have left is harsh language. Flare does this consistently, and she will continue until some form of peace is arranged and understood. She is known to bluff now and then when dealing with religious negotiations by citing herself as a deity because what else could explain what she does? This sometimes ends in her locking up leaders when faiths clash and make them actually pick apart a real solution, openly inviting them to send their gods to defeat her if they are so great. Now and again they have, and she hasn't lost a bout yet. When one world seems to be more peaceful, she moves onto another using rush once again.

When Flare is in just the right company, she sometimes drops out of her monstrous state and appears with violet fur and a green tail dot. She almost always feels like there is more than she has to do, so when someone lays a hand on her and calms her, it is a special moment. Her strong dream component permits her enough control of her local area and its nearby dreams to create a refuge, and she has friends on both sides of the looking glass that help her find those moments of peace as even a chodonex soul can grow weary. Her hope quirk aids in her spiritual recovery between long fights and prevents her from giving up easily.

Special Traits

High Energy

Because she has high occupancy, Flare exists almost exclusively in her monstrous state with her calmer state requiring a sort of ionization if it is to manifest which is opposite of Ritz and Echo This also means she partially occupies her rush orbitals at all times making her the fastest of the chodonex. It also means that the times when she slows down are precious because they are rare and often short lived.

Blade Warrior

Flare is the only dedicated chodonex combatant, but like her kin she never kills. She has perfected an art of sweeping strikes that takes advantage of the 'sharpness' of the chodonex tail to destroy weapons and armor swiftly. Combined with rush, she can disarm an entire battlefield in the blink of an eye or tear apart missiles in the air. Some records indicate that she has even deflected lasers and similar weapons as they are fired.

Closed Road

Open, while available to Flare, causes a somewhat unstable state that she does not like because it makes her feel as though she might fly apart by accidentally opening herself. Because of this, she will not and does not ever try to use open and instead leans on rush and revert.


Chodonex: Echo | Ritz | Flare