Star Wars D6

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Hyperspace Predator

Non-Chimeric or Wildkin Races

Ribbon Foxes

Shadow's Player Characters


Jamey SW | Kade Alpha | Lucy Beta | Nikki Delta


Vanessa SW | Gimble SW

Force Sensitives

Keene | Laura P | Nikki Delta | Miriam | K-S Ellis | Project KN

Custom Chimera Division

Notable People


Custom Chimera Division (CCD)

CCD History and Relartionship with Wildkin

Custom Chimera Designs has been a provider of organic based droid alternatives predating Protein Solutions Wildkin project by over 4000 years. The original units, the LAE Light Aerial Escort, the PIXC personal PDA, and the LACE lifelong teaching and assistance unit were the first systems produced synthetically using custom chimera archon, CC-A, technology. This allowed them to produce organic based units with high maturation rates. Later, heavier units such as the ISAS would come in time. CCD was able to operate and produce these units for some time by marketing them as organic droid technologies rather than as species. These units were initially produced at the Skylark facility with the Halo facility that managed heavier units like ISAS, OCWP, and the R-HFH1 It would take some time before hybrid systems from CCD adapted for wildkin development and hyperlearning would arrive.

CCD Archon vs Wildkin Cloning


The CCD archon is a small organo-adaptive processor about the size of a field mouse. These archon cores, or A-C, are engineered to accept specially tagged external genomes and adapt to create and environment that can give rise to new life based on the core. An archon does not need a live organism in order to produce one so long as it has sufficiently complete code. Archons will then differentiate and become the base for the new embryo at which point the archon cannot be recovered. This process works well for rapidly developing and growth accelerated units, but the throughput and investment in time is greater as the units will mature at only a slightly accelerated rate with the exception of the specially built LAE,PIXC, and LACE systems that were engineered to grow faster.


Wildkin technology vastly increases the maturation rate of organic units and increases species diversity by allowing development to occur in a cloning environment. To evade long clone maturation times, base-species of non-anthropomorphic format are grown up in large lots followed by a trigger to cause transformation and, perhaps most importantly, a form of greatly accelerated learning dubbed hyperlearning. Wildkin production shares requirements with cloning on having intact genomic data and a suitable starter for the organisms life such as a bank of embryos or specially prepared tissues that are generally not difficult to obtain unless the samples are wholly synthetic or from degraded material such as is the case with extinct species templates. For archons, a new archon is needed for each unit while wildkin can generally be made by the tens of thousands from a common core.

Archon/Wildkin Hybrids

In the extinct Corcuscant porcupine, an archon was used to produce the first male and female pair of the species before moving them to a wildkin development setting where normal cloning and species engineering could take place as in other more available species. A number of truly synthetic species that could not have been engineered without archon technology also appeared including the WC-SS spitting skunk and the [[[CWK-HX]] series including the dasher, gremlin, wrangler, and blitz hexapods. Of note, only the R-HFH1 Felyxa have not been made in mass, and they are a species resurrected from isolated DNA of an alien species used with archons. Later HFH1b units appear with other species patterns including red panda, leopard, and even otter like shapes. The original Felyxa remain restricted access and were moved to natural breeding settings.

Like their wildkin cousins, modern skunks, dashers, gremlins, wranglers, and blitz grow like wildkin in terms of maturation, but they are always learning even when very young. They take about 1.25X as long to mature as most predatory wildkin species, and they do not learn as fast as hyperlearners do. However, they begin learning earlier owing to being in a sentient format at all times more like cloning humans. By the time they reach maturation, the two groups are usually equivalent, and their learning potential settles into something comparable to the other.

CCD Location and Unit Summary

Location Established (BBY) Products Status
Skylark 4000 LAE, PIXC, LACE Operational. New flight unit testing
Delta 2000 Alien magi-technology integration Consumed by project KN
Gemini 200 Wildkin Integration, located at Chaitea, NYX,Spitting Skunk, Dasher, Gremlin, Wrangler Very active in collaboration with Wildkin project
Micro 200 Ultra small chimera for spycraft and medicine. Duster (moth) Scurry (rodent) Newt (amphibious) Extreme security. Units not released outside except in special circumstances. Some units deployed to Coruscant.
Patch 4700 Oldest unit. Does custom orders and is fully legal. Medical and modified pet and foodstuffs. Operation and profitable but only a small part of the company now.
Torchwood 2000 Delta's sister site. Specializing in pilfered Jedi and Sith equipment. KITs SUNE and NIXIE. Anti-Force Stalker and Spectre Operational and trying to discern ways to better get force sensitive wildkin
Halo 2200 ISAS, OCWP and RHFH-1 Heavy units design and testing. Custom products for The Eight


Unit Code First Deployed Long Name
PIXC 4000BBY Personal Intelligent Xenomorphic Computer
LAE 3000BBY Light Aerial Escort
ISAS 1500 BBY Insulated Saurid Assault System
KIT-SUNE 1250 BBY Kinetomimetic Intelligent Thread-Sentience Underlying Nexus Engine
KIT-NIXIE 1000 BBY KIT-Neutral Integration of Xenomorph Information and Expression
OCWP 900 BBY Omni-Cyber Weapons Platform
ACC-AF-1 250 BBY Spectre Force-Null Anti-Jedi Unit
ACC-AF-2 225 BBY Stalker Force Tracking Anti-Jedi Unit
LACE 100 BBY Lifelong Adaptive Computational Escort
R-HFH1 36 BBY Ripley Heavy Feliform Hexapod
NYX 31 BBY “Nightwing” Assassin
CWK-HX Series 30 BBY Chimeric Wildkin Hex Series
WC-SS 28 BBY Wildkin Spitting Skunk

Reference Data