Ribbon Foxes

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Ribbon foxes, also known as shuttle foxes, are a magic based spirit entity related to the chodonex as far as their ties to fate and chaos. While chodonex are connected to defense of the universe through entropy, shuttle foxes are instead responsible for The Pattern or a more fate and pattern integrity of the universe.

Basic Definitions

A thread refers to a single life. A living being or a soul consists of at least one thread that has a defined length corresponding to a lifetime and may have other woven threads that make it unique in the pattern. In the case of the foxes, they refer to themselves as Ten-Thread or simply Tens. Tens have a primary threat like most, but they also have nine additional threads that correspond to their attunement to different spheres of magic.
Tens have anywhere from one to nine tails that vary in length from one or two feet to as many as nine or ten feet long. The longer the tail, the longer the thread and the more power a fox has. Because of the commitments needed to grow out a tail, there tend to be masters of a sphere that have a single long tail on one end of the spectrum and foxes with nine fairly short tails on the other end that understand a broad range of topics and perspectives.
In Ten society, nine-tail foxes are revered for their perspective and their ability to fix a little bit of everything. Many are bards, some are inventors, and a good number are explorers. The deep thinkers and specialists tend to be single or twin tail Tens, and they often hold high positions and serve as advisors and teachers.
Only their great goddess of nine infinite tails can be said to every have come close to that goal. There has never yet been a nine-tail of more than five feet each.
The rest of Ten society falls between these goal posts, and they are as diverse as any other advanced society.
The Pattern
The Pattern is the big picture. Its not just life or even a galaxy but rather how the whole of reality is woven and folded up together. Messing with the pattern is messing with reality. Regardless of who you are, your thread has a place in the Pattern. It is in the Pattern that Tens return and from the Pattern again that they will arise. They say there are as many Tens as there are stars, and some believe that this is not a coincidence but an important part of keeping the Pattern intact.
Where Tens are concerned, it is known that when one Ten dies another will arise elsewhere. It is a new life, a new thread, a new Ten and not a reincarnation. Unlike Chodonex Tens will not expand infinitely. In fact, a lesser known theory says a great change will come should the number of chodonex ever equal that of the Tens. Some think that this is a means for the pattern to reset itself when the protective powers of chaos and order face off as equals.
When a Thread weaves, it makes a change in the pattern against the path it would normally follow. Weaves are the means by which the living change parts of the Pattern large and small. Tens that learn to use their affinities to alter the Pattern are called Weavers. They are similar to sorcerers or even Jedi in their advanced learning and ability to understand their elements. They can do things no normal person could normally manage, and that makes Weavers not only powerful but dangerous. They must be careful not to tear the Pattern in trying to fulfill their own desires. Tens also refer to other users of magic or the force as Weavers.
There will always be outliers and issues to handle in any society. Frays are damaged threads that have pulled mostly loose form the Pattern. Frays that do so intentionally are so rare that it is thought as inconceivable. Most Frays fall into this position by accident, and there are no shortages of traumatic accidents that could make a Fray. Most Frays are cared for as part of their society even if they feel torn from it. Some Frays can be woven back into a stable state again. Some come apart completely and perish, the only good coming in that a new thread can start from its departure.
There are, however, some Frays that understand their power and perspective. They pull on the Pattern and can cause localized damage in space and time with their aggressive actions. Some think they can tear some Pattern away and start a realm of their own where they are stable, safe, and happy, and not all of them have been entirely wrong in thinking such. Overall, Frays are always dangerous, some can be salvaged, and some have little restraint when it comes to re-weaving the Pattern to favor them.

Appearance, Magic, and Tails


Space Travel and Interactions

Star Wars D6