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NYX “Nightwing”

First Appearance 31 BBY

Attribute Dice 12D; Dexterity 1D/4D, Knowledge 1D/4D, Mechanical 1D/4D, Perception 1D/5D, Strength 1D/4D, Technical 1D/4D. Move 10 / 12 10/15 (flying)

Size 1.5-2.0 meters

Special Abilities

Reactive Camouflage
Nyx skin can change color to match their surroundings including the color of the sky and ground when they fly. Nyx get a +2D bonus to sneak rolls.
Advanced Wings
Nyx wings include additional fingers that preserve hand function as well as flight functions. However, a Nyx cannot use two-handed weapons or items and fly as the wings are still arms. Special bone growth provide a platform for specialized weapon attachments.
Skill Bonuses
At the time the character is created only, the character gets 2D for every 1D placed in the flight, search, sneak, melee, computer programming, security


The Nyx was born out of the need for a close range assassin unit that can hide not only its weapons but also itself as a whole. The skin of the Nyx is smooth and slightly rubbery, and the lack of fur or heavy texture makes their ability to change color to blend in more effective. Those familiar with bats will notice that the Nyx wing is much more complex and heavier. The membranes are durable and thick enough to mask most of the thickness of the wing bones, a detail that provides extra protection for the critical flight bones. A fully functional four fingers and thumb are featured, and they allow the Nyx to functional in flight and with dexterity demanding tasks equally.

The heavier wings of the Nyx include engineered hardpoints where surgical attachment of custom tools becomes swift and with minimal adaptation times. Nyx are typically equipped with mounts for long blades along their wing’s leading edge as well as smaller, often poisoned, spurs at the end of the wing. These adaptations allows a Nyx to extent wing and blades to make sudden attacks against targets almost two meters away if they are using their wing spurs. Weapons like blasters are also useful when on the ground so they can use their fingers, and wing mounted blasters are an option in place of wing blades.

Nyx have a thick rudder like tail with a fleshy spade that helps them steer while in the air. Their thick wings and the spade tail often earn them the name Night Dragons. Nyx are named after a mythical goddess of night, and accordingly, all Nyx are female. Acting like a mammo-reptilian insect of a sort, there is only one male and one queen in a hive, and and only female drones can survive conversion to anthro form. Queen and King Nyx remain locked in their primal state. Males will fight to the death if they are not allowed a way out of the hive, and the same applies with queens. Unlike insects, the queen does not become a massive egg making machine but simple remains the only one who can lay eggs in clutches of 5-10 every few weeks, but otherwise keep the same shape as a drone but are roughly four times their size which makes them roughly the size of a large dog with kings also larger but only about two thirds the size of the queen. Drones are roughly rat sized before induction, and they reach maturation at a rodent-like speed of 4-5 weeks before they can be induced.

A single brood queen has been enough to supply the Wildkin project with ample Nyx units for testing. Because of their range and designed aggression, Nyx are chipped before they are induced to change. Nyx will not change to anthropomorphic form without induction, and the spontaneous maturation rate is calculated to be less than 1 in 3000. The rate of potential queens is 1 in 300 and king nyx appear at a slightly increased rate of 1 in 250. Three backup pairs have already been collected and placed in stasis, and more will be banked for sale. A brood queen is estimated to lay nearly 500-700 eggs a year. With proper care for multiple hives, Nyx are one of the most readily scaled-up CCD units available.

Star Wars D6