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Custom Chimera Division: ISAS Insulated Saurid Assault System “Pouchzilla”

First Appearance: 1500 BBY

Attribute Dice: 12D; Dexterity 1D/4D, Knowledge 1D/3D, Mechanical 1D/4D, Perception 1D/5D, Strength 2D/5D, Technical 1D/3D.

Move: 12 / 15

Size: 1.7-2.5 meters

Special Abilities

Armored Body ISAS
Organic diffusion armor grants +1D soak vs physical armor and +2D against energy damage.
Forearm Hardpoints
ISAS bone structure includes readily modified auxiliary bones that can be used for attached weapons.
  • Without modification, this heavy bone gauntlet is can be used to block melee weapons.
  • If fitted with a mounting plate, ISAS can use adapted weapons with a +1D bonus to hit without needing to hold the item in their hand.

Skill Bonuses

At the time the character is created only, the character gets 2D for every 1D placed in the, Running, Melee, Brawl, Stamina, Lifting, Search


The ISAS is an old technology and part of its history was used as a basis to create the R-HFH1 later. These heavy attack units were based on a large lizard frame with fine, hard scales hidden under a thick layer of insulating and energy diffusing fur. The ISAS is engineered to operate at extreme temperatures, and they can tolerate night time conditions on Hoth and are nearly capable of handling the heat of tatooine. This tall monsters get the nickname Pouchzilla for the pouch they can use to carry their young, in the case of females, or gear in male or female units. Unlike most CCD units, the ISAS have a kill sequence condition hard coded into their genetics at multiple points to prevent out of control groups as, unlike all others, the ISAS was made to breed and grow rapidly. As a long term siege weapon, ISAS colonies can be used to expand and conquer large areas over the course of a few years. In isolated tests against advanced by not yet space faring societies, ISAS adapted to new environments in their first month followed by a period of colony expansion. ISAS are sexually mature at 2 years of age and can have up to four children per litter. This uses some of the earliest technology from the Wildkin Shortcut. Male and female alike take care of the young. Colony expansion was logarithmic and extinction of indigenous species took less than 30 years. Kill systems, once engages, have two modes. The silent mode was chosen for mass colonies which results in sterility and immune system failure. A second faster method of neural degeneration is kept well hidden in the code. Occurance of units that survive both signals is less than 0.000005%.

More common deployments of the ISAS are in mixed unit military engagements. They were purposefully kept limited in their technical capabilities to ensure they would not start reverse engineering themselves. They are not deep thinkers, but they are obedient beasts.

Star Wars D6