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Lifelong Adaptive Computational Escort (LACE)

First Appearance: 100 BBY

Attribute Dice: 12D; Dexterity 1D/4D, Knowledge 1D/5D, Mechanical 1D/4D, Perception 1D/4D, Strength 1D/3D, Technical 1D/5D.

Move: 8 / 12 Flight 8 / 12

Size: 1.4-2.0 meters

Special Abilities

Advanced Psychology Processor
LACE Are built to understand people and emotions. They and their host enjoy a +1D bonus to see past Con and Intimidation attempts. The LACE itself gains +2D to persuasion and Con rolls.
Guardian Shadow
LACE defend their hosts selflessly. If a LACE is adjacent to their host or an ally of their host, they can use a reaction to take the blow for them.

Skill Bonuses

At the time the character is created only, the character gets 2D for every 1D placed in the, Scholar, Languages, Flight, Communications, First-Aid, Computer Programming/Repair


A smart CEO knows that a company must be diverse, and while much of CCD and PS are military oriented, there has always been a place for nannies, teachers, and guardians in the lives of the rich and even the poor. The LAE lightweight airframe was modified to take the shape of friendly mouse, rabbit, and even a few fox shapes, many of which were taken from prototype wildkin concepts at the time. Friendly and fluffy, these units bear the flight systems of the LAE that grants them slow but graceful flight as well as striking colors. Outfitting these units with a PIXC class processor with advanced psychological analysis systems created a flying educator that was easy for children to attach to. Their growth rate was adjusted to match the maturation rate of their host to create a companion that grows with their host, and their ability to learn and teach made them ideal teachers for children and eventually assistants to adults. While their physical maturation is slowed, their mental status is fully adult on arrival as most PIXC class processor systems. While not unexpected, some amorous bonds between host and LACE have occurred, and no action has been taken against this in allowing the host to determine the LACE’s fate as an adult.

Wildkin were planned to have a control chip inserted early in their life that would kill them if needed. Because of the long term conditions of a LACE deployment, the LACE itself has self termination capability. A host as an adult can order termination, emergency termination can be used, and the LACE itself may terminate if it calculates the long term actions in a situation all lead to harm to its host. Because of this, LACE are made to care deeply for their hosts without condition which is a subset of the old PIXC bonding systems. The actual pair bond system was weakened for the LACE to allow it to be passed to new hosts such as new children or a loved one that the host deems needs protection or guidance.

LACE can be ordered with custom plasmids that control wing patterning and fur color. Submitting a pattern to CCD results in a plasmid set that can be injected at the facility or elsewhere. LACE will readily apply this patch on their own if asked. This will shift their fur and wing patterns, and they can be appliued several times in the life of the LACE. Other controls and even chips can be done by an adult host if they so choose, but a LACE will try to discourage this out of design.

Star Wars D6