Felyxan Weaver

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Racial Stats

  • Size: 5-6 meters from top of head to bottom of hind feet.
  • Tail: 2-3 meters long
  • Eyes: Blue and brown are the most common. Gray and amber are rare. Green do not occur in Felyxa.
  • Fur: Dense and mostly white adapted for cold habitats
  • Hexapod: Possess mid arms in addition to normal arms. Mid arms have opposable thumbs and can be walked on.
  • Movement: Felyxa prefer to walk on four limbs in a taur-like stance. At rest they often rest on four limbs. When working, then tend to rear up on their hind legs to free up their mid arms. Felyxa can walk on their hind limbs alone, but this is a slower almost plantigrade walking motion.
  • Diet: Felyxa are naturally carnivores, but they have adapted artificial diets to escape the need for keeping live feed in space.


Felyxa view the fabric of space-time as a literal fabric with strong and weak regions, some tightly woven and some frayed. The ability to sense the weave of local space is an innate trait among all Felyxa. However, the ability to read or even change the weave varies widely among individuals of the species. Felyxa do not discriminate based on the ability to handle the weave. Instead, they believe that each of their kin has as much of an ability as they were fated to wield, and it is up to them to choose how to use it. As a space faring race living on a massive mobile arc, every life matters, and in the end, every soul is needed to move the massive ship and its defenses.

Types of Weavers

By far the most common style of weaver is a reader. They can sense the weave and read it which allows them to do minor things like sense events up to a minute before they happen as well as tug on the weave to cause small effects. These simple methods are incorporated into the great defensive labyrinth that surrounds the ark ship. Without the ability to read the weave ahead of time, the labyrinth will eject anything that tried to get through it. Most often, Felyxa use these abilities to open doors, identify themselves to security, and communicate with each other.
Menders and Shears
Menders and shears are always born as twins. In the entire history of this race, this has been the case. One can snip or relieve tension on fa weave, and the other can mend what was broken. Working together, these pairs are often used in generating safer places to travel, repairing the ship, and even serving as medical officers in that they can diagnose and alter the course of a disease. These pairs make up roughly 1% if the total populace, so there are enough of them to go around for all the tasks that need to be done.
Cards are extremely rare, powerful, and dangerous because they can not only read the weave, they can change it. Unlike menders and shears, they need no partner to cut and mend a patter, but even more dangerous is their ability to change, remove, or add in new patterns to existing weaves. The right application of a card could destroy a ship, cause dimensional breaches, or create living nightmares. The felyxa learned long ago that the best was to prevent this is to support a card and keep them well integrated in society. Trying to destroy or cast them out always lead to disaster. Thankfully there is a very well kept secret among the Felyxa regarding how to quickly discover if they have a card: they are the only ones to have green and amber in their eyes, the former being non-existent in the population otherwise. Cards are spotted early and raised to ensure they feel included when their abilities and all the trouble they bring start to manifest.
Because cards are so dangerous, they are among the only ones that usually leave the ark to train away from home along with a support ship and its crew. Because of this, most cards get experience as explorers, and they have to perform many roles to keep their crew safe. Trained cards are precious, and usually only one is afforded to each capital ship if they are available. Because of the strain they can place on the local weave, only ten are kept on the Grand Ark at any time while the rest are spread to the support vessels.


The Grand Ark

The grand ark is much like what it sounds. This vessel is the home ship for the Felyxa. Faced with the nova of their home star, they chose to settle their differences and take to the stars. Only a stubborn few remained to get roasted in the coming ages, and that has left the Grand Ark as the home to billions of Felyxa. Large enough to have to deal the issue of its ow mass trying to make it into a sphere, the ship takes advantage of these forces to hold the central reactor in place.

Over 5000 miles long 2000 miles wide, not counting the central bulge that reaches 2500 miles wide, and 1500 miles wide, again not including the central bulge, the ship has a natural gravity similar to that of Earth. This force helps hold the spherical defensive labyrinth in place as well. Because of the sheer size of it, propulsion by engine thrust is not practical. Instead, when the entire force of all the Felyxa is concentrated on a task, every little nudge to the weave adds up and creates a sort of gravity sled that moves the ship and the labyrinth around like a giant marble that can reach speeds up to 0.1 times the speed of light at which point it is allowed to coast.

The Ten Cards of the Ark Ship are invoked when emergency maneuvers are needed or if the ship is going to make a space-time fold jump. In that case, at least five of the cards are needed but all ten are usually used for the safety of the ship but also as protection from strain the cards have to endure.

The Labyrinth

The labyrinth is a sphere 10000 miles in diameter that protects the Grand Ark and the fleet. It is a weave-reactive system that requires the pilot or at least a navigator to be able to sense upcoming changes in the weave as well as identify themselves during transit. The system is designed to be non-lethal to prevent accidental entry and death, and it will teleport intruders out to great distances modulated by how many times they tried to get him.

The get through the labyrinth, the pilot or navigator must sense the weave to find the way in. They will be given a speed factor to follow, and then they must keep this speed constant unless commanded otherwise. The passage in is usually only 1.25 the size of the ship trying to enter with the Pulsar Class Explorer being the largest ship that can manage the trip. It takes about fifteen minutes or careful maneuvering and weave reading to get through the maze and into a safe place, an no mistakes are allowed.

in terms of skill, novice pilots have a hard time getting through the maze. However, most seasoned pilots that come and go as scouts or card trainers can manage this with little difficulty, and this is made even easier when they work in concert with their navigator.

From the Outside

The maze has becomes a sort of El Dorado or Atlantis as it wanders through the cosmos. None have managed to penetrate it thus far as the Labyrinth's power systems and defensive barriers are far greater than most vessels can muster. It is also not unheard of a card being send to the surface to make a fleet's weapons mysteriously break down, and this has led t rumors that it may be haunted. Still there are many who continue to try peacefully or otherwise.

Iris Industrial Genetics seems to have another way around.

Pulsar Class Exploration Ships

The Pulsar Class is a long oval shaped ship 1-2.5 miles long. Mostly made up of engines and sensors, it hosts a crew small for its size that is generally engineers, scientists, at least two mender shear pairs and a card. On rare occasion there may be two cards, but one of them will always be very young and the other better trained. This is common when dealing with particularly volatile young cards.

Pulsars are armed, but they favor defense vs offense. Because they are exploration vessels, they have specialized dual layer outer hulls with powerful interior defenses in the event they are boarded. This is important because the crews of Pulsar class often exist in hypersleep for long periods as they explore regions of deep space.

Pulsar also have the most powerful non-weave engines in the fleet. They consist of a phase motivator that pushes the ship into a form of space where powerful space-time currents exist along with an engine and shield unit that can be set to follow the flow to the next point of navigation like a ship on a series of rivers or a plane gliding on strong upper air currents. This passive system allows them to pick up incredible speed, and reversing course to slow the ship occurs before dropping into normal space using stored energy from the flow.

Pulsars also have much slower conventional engines they can use when necessary. They also possess powerful communications arrays with some using the weave and backup systems not requiring it.

The Missing Scout

Most Pulsars come home. They sometimes come home badly beaten, but those are the ones that tell the Grand Ark where not to go. One Pulsar has gone missing though, and because it has not transmitted data nor has anyone been able to find it by weave, it is assumed to be destroyed at the worst case and trapped somewhere at best. Even the ship's card has not been able to reach the Grand Ark meaning most folk fear the worst. And then came along Iris Industrial Genetics.

Notable Individuals

Felyxan Weavers and Relatives

From left to right: Wrangler, Gremlin, Dasher

The older Star Wars D6 version of these documents can be found at CWK-HX Series. This article refers to the versions used on Spindizzy

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