Creative Spirits

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Muses are spirits of creation that inspire others to take part in their arts. While they can create almost anything, they are limited to creating things that inspire others to act rather than being able to make anything for their own use. A muse's power is in inspiration of others to which they can offer their skill and expertise in an effort to expand the horizons of other's creation.


Whimsies are created when a muse is exposed to a Nothing and survives. Only two of these dangerous beings are currently known. A whimsy can create on a whim, and this allows them to make anything from their art that they want including for themselves and for direct use without the need to inspire another into action. Most whimsies still behave like muses until pressured.

  • Candice White
    • Whimsy of Painting and Fantastic Creatures
  • Miguel
    • Whimsy of Song and Bardic Magic

==Nemeses to Muses and Whimsies These beings are the death of muses and their arts. A nothing is the black hole of creativity into which all is drawn and nothing escapes. They can destroy entire dreamscapes with time simply by existing.

  • Nothing Imploded souls of mortals, complete loss of and antithesis to creativity