Tesla's Guide to Anti-time Vortexes

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Okay! Tesla here crash course on what we know about anti-time vortexes (ATVs)! This includes pretty much all I know about them and what we have learned about the St. Marin Anti-Time Vortex.

Feed Backward Forward Propagating

Anti-Time Vortexes (ATV) are feed backward forward propagating systems to borrow an idea from neural networking. So that does that mean?

Feed Backward
ATV cause events in their area to get pushed backwards in time. They also tend to get larger as you go backward in time and cause even greater disruptions. This push into the past is not always continuous. When a wave of anti-time builds up and flows backwards, it can cause time quakes that result in massive alterations on time in the location they occur in
Forward Propagating
ATV dump things into the past and cause changes in the past. However, this does not cause a paradox outright because the events it mangles move forward on their new timeline until they reach the point when the ATV originated. After that point time continues on normally as the ATV does not appear in the time after it originated, but time quakes can still echo from the past

An Example: Gray St. Marin

The first time quake the group felt was a passing wave from the future sweeping changes into the past. This caused something in the past that resulted in most of St. Marin's population either vanishing or staying out of sight. It also brought cooler weather and a slow falls of ash from the sky. Also, that is when the ATV manifested in current time even though it was hidden by clouds. Further quakes could take even more damaging circumstances into the past and make an even more terrifying St. Marin.

ATV Termination

ATV terminate in the future, but they can also terminate in the past. This is easiest to imaging like a sound wave. It only carries so far before the energy of it diffuses and is lost. In a more dangerous scenario, a ATV reflects off some other large time event or entity and sweeps forward again. This can create interference with the backward waves and annihilate or amplify themselves.

Surviving an ATV

Because of the back and forth nature of the ATV, it is very hard to make any lasting change in the timeline stick. However, there are items, places, and even people that can manage this as well as work towards resolving the ATV. These are known as anchors.

Spatio-Temporal Anchor or simple Anchors
As the name implies, anchors hold down points in space and time in such a way that resists time waves and can redirect some of them. Anchors are things of the past that hold special significance to the ATV and so are naturally tuned to it such that they sail on the waves rather than being carried by them or altered. The farther back an anchor reaches, the more power it has because the ATV changes the past and comes forward. This also means the anchor gains more power as it moves into the future because it carries its past with it. Its like Back to the Future but the other way around. Its Forward to the Past!
Weak Anchors Tesla and Bell
Tesla and Bell are weak anchors because they are tied to Joule, a known element of this ATV, by less than ten years before the ATV. Before their origin, they have no staying power. This allows them to float around without being lost in the ATV, but they haven't been able to effect any lasting change.
Strong Anchors
Pira, Kachi, and Maynard
IN this case, the anchors are tied to Joule all the way to his origin and beyond, and they have anchor points of their own in St. Marin and Spindizzy. Their actions can therefore cause large changes in timelines for good or ill. They are nearly untouched when a wave passes, and they maintain their own continuity. Their interaction with Joule's children helps close a loop that gives them the ability to reach from the past all the way to just after the anomaly vanishes.

Repairing an ATV

You know, when I got that one figured out, I'll write it in here!

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