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Well over 25 ft long, Luma dwarfs Mira by a great deal, but all that bulk is there to keep Mira safe as well as any of their passengers on the White Raven A sort of loving oaf, he is a very silly creature until something goes wrong, and then he quickly proves to be far more dependable than most would have imagined. The vessel of Faith, Luma has absolute confidence in the future even when he has no idea what will happen. His faith is his shield, it the armor he uses to protect the more delicate Mira, and it is why he is the navigator for the White Raven. Any course set by Luma will be true, and should anything set them off course, he is the one to rally everyone together and keep them strong.

Along with Mira and the White Raven, Luma is a creation of Lady Luck and Gravitas, and because of Lady Luck's power, he is a being unspoiled by the fears and pains Gravitas bears. While he has never told Mira, Gravitas and Lady Luck charged him with her safety and impressed upon him that Mira must survive to matter the cost because she can fix anything afterwards.