Dreamer Classifications

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The Dreamer Classifications came about from several years worth of gaming starting with entry into a magic mirror that the SED has kept in its possession for many years. Dreamers, bu definition, are not dreams, and Living Dreams should not be confused with Dreamers. Dreamers are sentient species, regardless of intelligence, that dream when they sleep.

Non-Lucid Dreamers

Non-Lucid dreamers cannot actively control what happens in their dreams, and sometimes they cannot control their own actions. Nearly all dreamers call into this category.


A basic dreamer goes to sleep and experiences whatever dreams come to them. They cannot fight nightmares save for by waking up, and they may not always remember their dreams. Almost all dreamers fall into this category, and hence it is considered the default.


Architects are rare, powerful dreamers that create entire dream realms when they sleep that later become independent places for other dreamers of all kinds to visit. In a dream, architects manifest as creatures that seem to be lucky or favored by the world around them because it came out of their heads. If an architect tries to slee, rather than an active battle, they might be seen rushing away just as the ground collapses behind them, cutting off pursuers or suddenly finding themselves falling into some safe place that didn't exist a moment before. While they are the rarest of dreamers, they account for more than half of new dream realm construction.

The darker side to architects, however, is that most active architects suffer from some form of mental disorder that drives their creativity. The most powerful architects, including Thomas March, are raving lunatics at times. THe March Hare in particular is responsible for the entire Wonderland and Looking Glass realms collectively called Cheshire that later inspired tales of one Alice through those lands.

Lucid Dreamers

As their name implies, lucid dreamers maintain control of thought and presence inside of a dream. The most common lucid dreamers are navigators while more seasoned dreamers may become questors.


As a dreamer gains more control over themselves in the Dream Realms, the first thing that begins to develop is a sense of direction. Much like learning the roads of a new city, it takes repetition to establish a mental map, something doubly hard in a realm of chaos such as dreams are. Eventually, a dreamers get a sort of 'home base' sense that serve as an anchor for relative directions. This is the point when a dreamer starts to become a navigator. As the name implies, they can navigate the Dream Realms, A Navigator can always know the general direction and a bit of distance to any place they have previously visited.

Some Navigators will go on to become Questors, but a dedicated Navigator will always have a better sense of direction than anyone else. The best Navigators often have Living Dreams as vehicles.


Questors are not common, but they still outnumber Architects by thousands to one. Part of what defines a questor is a quest. Sometime and somewhere, a person, be they another dreamer, muse, or dream, will call upon the dream realm for a champion. The one that finds the past to them begins what is often a long, dangerous, and terrifying tasks. In this case, to fail in the Dream Realm is to due in the living world as well. Those that survive and complete such a task are generally rewarded with some form of gift that gives them power in the Dream Realms. In one case, Morticon was given a magic brush from the muse Candice White that gave him the ability to meddle with the dream world. Most questors can alter the Dream around them to some extent.

Living Dreams

Living dreams are very special dreams. While all dreams have life to them, a living dream can exist outside of the Dream Realms, and they often, like muses, appear in and out of dreams at the same time. They range from small, nearly invisible friend level entities to dreams of power grand enough to drag dream aspects into reality. The most common types are companion dreams and dedicated navigator vehicles.

Examples of these include the colony ship White Raven that has appeared in Spindizzy spaceport at the same time as being on the edge of the universe at the very borders of dream. Another includes the Lost Reverie, a dream that was saved by Morticon during his adventure that made him into a questor.