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Name: Serendipity
Size: 4 inches tall
Species: Fairy Mouse
Designation: Greater spirit of inspiration
Domain: Chao, Dreams, Inspiration
Parent Spirit: Lady Luck Aina 13 Zoey

Child of Chaos

Serendipity, ore Sere, gets her power from Lady Luck in that she is a fate-aligned being of chaos. While Lady luck can cause massive shifts to good or ill luck, Sere's methods of tilting probability are subtle and often overlooked. She relies not on forcing a situation but instead she tries to change its direction by making her target aware of what it may have missed. Because she is associated with chaos, she also tends to have a least some dream aspect, and she can inspire others in their sleep though this occurs less often.

Abilities and Limitations

Sere can appear almost anywhere at any time. In fact, some suspect that she may actually be in all places at all times until she is noticed. Nearly a goddess, she is incredibly durable and very difficult to contain or restrain. She is not, however, all powerful or all knowing. She knows what she needs to know at a given moment, and she has an excellent memory of things she has done. She can remain completely hidden when she is working even with others in the area that should notice her work.

The most common manifestations of Sere's work includes:

  • Flipping books to fortuitous pages
  • Knocking things over to bring your attention to the area
  • Whispering from your right shoulder fleeting ideas that can be missed
  • Poking your dreams in a different direction
  • Causing minor hallucinations of any kind to refocus your attention on something helpful

There is a line between what she does and what muses do. The muses have a longer, more involved interaction with their targets. Sere, by contrast, often interacts for minutes or even as short as seconds before moving on. Her goal is to make others see what is already there that they overlooked rather than create something large and from scratch. That said, she will, rarely, go to greater lengths if something about what must be found it important to the function of fate. She may have caused a one Dr. Brown to slip, smack his head, and come up with something crazy like a flux capacitor.

By her very nature, Sere is always on the side of the person she is meddling with. She never tries to inspire destruction or harmful events. If she is involed in such, she will always be trying to thwart the progress of them by inspiring good or at least neutral ideas. Because of this, Sere almost always knows who the good and bad guys are in a situation when they can be delineated. Her 'evil sense' is quite powerful, and trying to trick her into aiding an obvious evil is likely to bring around someone more dangerous than an inspiration mouse.

Outside of Her Duties

Sere is almost always busy, but she does like to have some time to herself or with friends. Because dream space does not have the same time flow as the 'real' world, she often retreats there to rest and visit with dreamers, dreams, and her family. She tends to be easy to please and enjoys stories and just watching the world go by without her meddling.

Why a mouse

Sere resembled a mouse to us. She resembles a mouse-like being to every species if it comes across, but why? Mice are an interface, and it is no chance that the computer peripheral got that name. In fact, she may have propagated that as well! She is a link, an interface, to the greater universe hiding in the background and behind the proverbial walls. So the universe is secretly run by mice, and there you have it!