Kaleb Halen

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Basic Stats

Name: Kaleb

Species: White Sided Jackrabbit

Gender: Male

Height: 5 ft

Weight: 110 pounds

Occupation: Couch surfer


Kaleb is just another jackrabbit, though perhaps one with a rather nice coat of fur. White fur on his sides is the source of his species' name, white-sided jackrabbit , with sandy brown mottled with darker brown and blacks dominating the rest of his body. His ears.. ye gads the ears! Those huge radiators are longer than his head by a good dear, and burn brown insides with black tips and white edging really stand out! Kale is a pretty slender anthro hare standing about five feet tall to the top of his head, but his ears add just over a full foot more to his height! Even worse, they are terribly sensitive to being touched, and the right rub here or there can paralyze him or make him collapse in a quivering heap. Unlike his ears, he has a little raindrop shaped tail rather that a cottony puff.

Even though he is a jackrabbit, a hare rather than a rabbit, he's quit used to being referred to as a bunny and doesn't mind it at all. He also knows quite well where any of his kind rank on most food chains, sentient or not, and the poor guy often feels quite guilty for thinking predatory species to be somehow more attractive and exciting because of the danger they pose to him. he's a bit shy, but now and again he will made sidelong passes at those with far more teeth than he has.

Kaleb typically wears a pair of cargo shorts so he has somewhere to toss things rather than carry them, but more often than not he goes without anything else unless it gets cold. Then he might show up in a hooded jacket not that he could ever get his ears to fit without tucking them down against his neck, but a winter breeze might be enough to coax him into doing it.

He's pretty sure one of these little flings he's had will be his last, and he knows how it will go. After all, just like the chocolate rabbits, if you're going to eat a hare, one usually starts with the ears.