Initial Briefing

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Primary Briefing “Hyperspace Predator”

XBC 20988.53b Anomalous Xeno Biologic Record

Archaeological records at site 556x7765gbh contain a history of which first hyperspace flight was obtained by a now extinct sentient species. According to the the records, their home territory was first contaminated by excessive industry complicated by nearby magnetar activity that further compressed their population to a small cluster of star systems. A brief era of expansion followed the discovery of hyperspace. Evidence suggests that these people may have had hyperdrives far more advanced than our best modern systems. Records and examples of these engines were lost with the vessels due to a side effect that was unforeseen.

An object on the scale of 100 to 250 meters with a semi crystalline nature occurs repeatedly in logs regarding lost vessels. Survivors occur but were rare. The creature was said to follow vessels through hyperspace without need of a ship, and it would consume hyperdrives and drive plasma before vanishing. This was initially attributed to religious or superstitious beliefs of early space travel. However, records indicated that the beast was somehow contained and sealed within one of the old cities on a world closest to the magnetar where its powerful field could be used as a seal.

A special investigation was sent to verify the site which proved to be real. Based on the prison design, magnetar flux was channeled into a field theorized to be sufficient to contain a microsingularity. Gravity stress in the structure suggested that such a gravity source may have existed but long since failed. The prison showed signs of looting, and several vessels were discovered sunk in deep oceans. No evidence of the creature was found.

That was the second to last transmission from the expedition. In its final transmission it detailed massive hyperdrive and sublight engine failure. The nebulon-b frigate dispatched was discovered with its engines separated from the forward hull. Crew took shelter in the forward compartments and survived until rescue with minimal loss of life. The entity that attacked could not be found. Fighters noted blasters had no effect nor did Proton torpedos. Concussion missiles however appeared to cause a defensive response. Before they were recalled, the fighter screen said that the being collapsed into a diffuse glow around the ship and then vanished.

Secondary Objectives

You have been assigned one of three operational Dasher-Class light assault chimeric wildkin as your partner. Unit CWK-HXD-01b “Ardan” will serve as your pilot and as your junior on this mission. In addition to his standard weapon loadout, he is wearing a special neurological monitoring body glove meant to record activity patterns in his nervous system in response to anomalous readings recorded from his CNS earlier in conjunction with what could only be called supernatural or force-like abilities at this time. Your objective assessment of his behavior and performance will be expected at the completion of your mission. If in the line of duty circumstances should lead to his demise, you are to retrieve his data recorder which is kept on the suit’s belt. The data on this device may very well lead to better protection of many others. You may use your own judgement in testing his capabilities. You are permitted to consort with those of your subdivision for advice, but these objectives are to be kept to yourself otherwise unless authorized to release them by PS personnel. Arden is aware of the suit’s function and the data recorder and nothing more.

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