Gwen Synsi

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Base Stats

  • Name: Dr. Gwen Synsi Ph.D.
  • Species: Black Rat
  • Gender: Female
  • Eyes: Red
  • Height: 5'3"
  • Weight: 115 lbs
  • Fur: Mostly black, some dyed highlights
  • IQ: 155
  • Education: Ph.D. Astrophysics
  • Identifying Marks: Red eyes, split tail

Special skills

Gwen has a number of unusual traits that can be broken into three parts. She as a limited ability to change her shape that include variations on her base form as well as her size. She has two powerful transit abilities including super speed and quantum tunneling. Finally, she has what as known as the devourer gateway. This is a strange ability that Gwen does not fully understand, and it allows her to devour and direct the fate of things she devours. Hidden within her are the Living Gates, a puzzle she is trying to solve.

Limited Shapeshifting

Base Form
In her base form, Gwen looks like a regular black rat with brilliant red eyes and a split tail. Her only other defining mark are the extra teeth she has between her incisors and molars. Not quite five and one half feet tall in this form, she has a very thin, athletic body.
Guile Form
The Guile form is a special form used for covert work. In her guile form, Gwen becomes the size and shape of a normal, non-anthro rat. Her magic signature is greatly reduced in this shape, but so is her strength and speed. Her eyes and tail remain, and she retains opposable thumbs and can use tools.
Ferocity Form
The ferocity form is a high-speed assault form. Fingers and claws become longer and sharper, her body is stretched out to be even thinner, and the energy field within her becomes strong enough to make fur and hir seem to move even when there is no wind. Gwen is generally fastest in this form, and she uses it for her highest, non-tunneling speeds as well as when she goes into a fight. Combined with her mixed martial arts skill, the ferocity form is not far off from a kung fu werewolf on a full moon, and she has sometimes been mistaken for a form of lycanthrope in this form.
Scalar Shift
Scalar shift is Gwen's ability to change her size. This can be used on any of her forms, but larger scales tend to be used with her base and ferocity forms while tiny scales are almost always adaptations of her guile form. The usual use of this power is to greatly increase her size until she is large enough to challenge and devour monsters on the scale of city destroyers. She does, usually, try to push the fights out of city limits when possible.

Transit Powers

Gwen has two forms of speed transit: hyper speed and quantum tunneling. The former is much easier than the latter, but both drain Gwen's stamina and eventually drive her hunger.

Gwen is capable of accelerating up to 250 mph (about 120 m/s). At much lower speeds, she can use this skill to move about rapidly in her base form. However, the strain of moving beyond the first 10%-15% if her boost speed requires that she move into her much more durable and lanky ferocity form. Gwen can sustain these speeds for an hour or two before needing to take at least a brief pause to catch her breath and center herself. Gwen can also accelerate masses along with her, but this is dependent on the maximum acceleration she can obtain as her force output remains fairly constant under load.
When coupled to her shapeshifting, Gwen cannot obtain high speeds when in forms greater than 2.5-4 meters tall. Also, when operating at very small sizes, her maximum speed also scales down based on the size of her legs at that scale. In short, being too heavy or too small hinders her transit.
Easily mistaken for teleportation, Gwen can tap into Darkness and use it to perform long range quantum tunneling. Gwen can generally not perform this skill on the fly or under duress. Short hops are possible in a combat situation, but her ability to tunnel longer distances requires concentration. Gwen's typical maximum range is 1-2 km. It has the advantages that it does not register as magic but rather as a unusual, but not impossible, events. This makes it much harder to ward against her jumps. However, these tunneling events come at the cost of much greater hunger than just running the distance, so she uses it only as a last resort in most cases.

The Devourer

There are three entities created by The Interloper: the Destroyer, the Devourer, and the Deceiver. Gwen is the Devourer, her grandfather Clifford the Destroyer, and the Deceiver has not yet been found but it is suspected that it may appear within the Synsi family like the others.

As the name implies, Gwen's aspects of Darkness give her the properties necessary to act as a high tier predator on a world filled with other technology, magic, and monsters to the degree that all are considered commonplace. The Devourer consists of two elements: the Hunger and the Living Gate.

The Hunger
The hunger sounds simple, and in most cases it is. Gwen's power utilizing Darkness needs energy. This can come in the form of standard food, and it can take the form of magic or spiritual energy. These latter aspects mean sentient beings, highly enchanted objects, and supernatural entities are high on her menu. There is always one truth: Gwen is always hungry. Most of the time, standard food is enough, but more she uses super speed, tunneling, or shapeshifting, the greater desire she will have for more significant fare. She is also very durable but more or less in a reactive rather than passive way, and thus combat and injury is also going to make her ravenous. While she has very solid self control, hunger is a primitive that even the strongest and smartest cannot ignore.
The Living Gate
The real source of the hunger is The Living Gate. Gwen is a living gate system, and what she eats doesn't always end up where one would think it should. Subconsciously, she sorts things she eats by her emotional status. If she is angry or vengeful towards something she eats, it will end up in a place of torment. If she takes in something she feels she must to protect it, it may end up in a place that is far less hostile and perhaps even peaceful. There is even a single place that a minority fall into that leads to an entire city of those who had been devoured but sent to this new realm for some reason. For the time being, most of this is subconsciously controlled, but Gwen may one day figure out how to guide it actively.
Because the gate is always sorting things, Gwen never really feels full. She could very easily cause a panic for most all-you-can-eat places open late at night.




High School

Faking Grandfather Cliff's Death and start of College

The Agencies