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Multitudes of Oneiric Aquatic Rodents ( M.O.A.R. )

Moar is not a single entity bu instead a multitude of what seems like identical or nearly identical beings. The term MOAR is a play on the word 'more' which appears to mean that there are always more of these beings regardless of how they appear or disappear from the waking world.


Moar take the form of a Rakali or a water rat. Roughly 8-12 inches tall, they have near black fur with golden orange bellies and a distinct white tip to their thick, rudder like tails. In essence, they are the rodent world's answer to otters, and they normally inhabit waters around Australia and Tasmania. They have dark eyes that are larger than the species they imitate that tends to make their faces more expressive. While something about them is not quite right, they live and die in a manner one would expect from a normal rodent.


Moar is invariably optimistic, curious to a fault, and virtually fearless. It is possible that they lack instinctual fears that drive self preservation behaviors, and it may be that something hidden in their sheer numbers shields them from fear of their own mortality. They can make the best out of almost any situation regardless of how dire much to the consternation of entities that like to feed on fear and misery. It is not uncommon for one Moar to meet its end and another jut appear from someplace else. In these times, it is obvious that the new Moar is not a clone or a reincarnation with a mind and memories of its own. If confronted with the demise of one of their own, the reply from the living one is eerily the same across time and space, "They live in our thoughts."

It is a mistake to think of Moar as a foolish or lemming like creature. Moar are quite intelligent and aware of their choices and the consequences that could come from them. They can operate small electronics such as cell phones with no more difficulty than anyone else, they understand how many mechanical devices work, and if they were ever in the situation that warranted it, they can perform some basic first aid. Their intellect and technical skill are sufficient that they could cause significant damage if they so desired, but that seems to be outside the bounds of their personality.


Moar are derives from a watery region of a dreamworld that came into being from a single architect class dreamer. A love of water and rodents collided with the real life knowledge of the rakali species along with a need for something enduring regardless of how dire the circumstance and no matter how crushing the weight of life. The result was Moar, a being of dream that is connected on a deep subconscious level to their creator's need for a source of optimism at all times. For the dreamer, these beings are guides back to safer dreams and ways to tolerate stress in their life. For everyone else, these little dream spirits do as rats do: they get into everything.

When a Moar dies, its dream ends, but because it was a shared entity back to the architect, it is remembered by the architect and so "they live in our thoughts' is the reply not of Moar but by their link back to their dreamer.

How Moar found their way out of dreams and seem to consistently escape into the real world is a mystery, but weak points in the dimension are known to exist, and if anyone is going to find a way to sneak across the border, it would be a rodent.